Spotlight Athlete- Jacob and Katlyn Knight

Jacob and Katlyn are a husband and wife power couple at CrossFit Zachary. Of course when we say “power couple” we mean a couple that works out together, challenges each other, pushes each other, gets fit together and so much more. With their schedule they are able to make it to our 6pm class and even though they don’t get in the gym as much as they’d like to, they’d put their fitness as top priority and they make it in as much as they can each week. When they are there you can tell they are determined to make the most of every minute. By the way, if you haven’t worked out with Jacob you should catch a 6pm class just to see how smooth his bar muscle ups are. It’s jut not fair! They are our spotlight athletes and they are a symbol of what it looks like to keep your partner accountable to a healthy lifestyle. Congratulations you two! Take a second and read below what they’ve been up to since joining CrossFit Zachary.

What brought you to CrossFit Zachary in the first place? 

I was looking for a way to create a healthier lifestyle and stay fit after graduation. I knew I didn’t want the guesswork of a normal gym. I wanted something more structured and needed a supportive environment to keep me motivated. I had heard great things about the CrossFit community from friends, family, and coworkers, so I started looking into local gyms. I convinced my husband, Jacob, to join me for a trial - knowing he would be a natural- and we have both loved it ever since! 

What was your first impression?How has that changed?

Our first impression was that the workouts would take some time to get use to. Overall, they were a fun challenge for both of us. Since then, we see CrossFit Zachary as so much more than just a place to go for these challenging workouts. We have both made friends and connections that motivate us to continue to better ourselves. It is the most supportive community we could have landed in. 

What was your first “bright spot, (PR)? 

Jacob’s first “bright spot” was his first muscle up and mine was my first toes to bar.

What are you working on now?

We are both trying to work on mobility and consistency.  

What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?

The CrossFit Open is always a good time! We enjoy being able to push ourselves and then celebrate our successes with our everyone afterward.

Fabian Herrera