2022 August Spotlight Athlete- Melissa Hagan

Melissa Hagan is our new spotlight athlete! She has overcome so much to get to where she is on her fitness journey and we’re so happy she chose us to be on this journey with her. Her accomplishments from the time she walked in for the first time till now have been amazing. As a gym, there’s always a few members who take it upon themselves to make sure anyone that’s new to our community is greeted and feels welcome. Melissa is one of those members. She displays the spirit of CFZ. She’s quick to make sure all of our new athletes feel right at home. She’s consistent and never backs down from a challenge. She’s patient and allows the programming to work for her. She adapts. If there’s something her body is saying “no” to on a particular day she will never quit. She’ll just ask a coach what she could do instead and then she gives her all. Congratulations Mellissa! You deserve the spotlight!

What brought me to CrossFit Zachary in the first place?

My good friend Beth Still invited me to a Saturday partner wod.  I was dreading to go…. But I was already committed so I went…   

What was my first impression? 

AT FIRST, I was very intimidated, all these people were lifting weights and doing movements I never imagined myself doing. When I was younger, I was a member at a gym but only did cardio and attended the aerobics or HIIT classes.  I never knew what to do at a gym or even how to lift weights correctly for the fear of injuring myself.

But Coach Fabian was there to help me modify the workout to my capabilities. When the class was over, I already felt skinnier lol and felt like I got a really good workout in.  

As Johnnie (Team) Norris told me, “$hit don’t come for free, you have to work for it Team, we all in here suffering together.”  

How has that changed?

Now… I am much more confident in the gym and enjoy lifting weights a lot more than Cardio Wednesday’s.

What was your first “bright spot”, PR?

Completing my first “Murph” workout by myself!! I was so proud.

 What are you working on now?

FORM and pull-ups, I will be so happy to get one unassisted pull-up!!

What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?

SO many great memories have been had at CFZ! There isn’t a bad day at the box.

 But one of my favorites was Wyatt Causey pushing me at the very end of the Murph to complete my row because I was sooo exhausted and ready to give up.

Fabian Herrera