2022 September Spotlight Athlete- Jake Thomas

When you notice one of your most quiet clients staring to show incredible gains and improvements you take note and make him a spotlight athlete. That’s exactly what we did with our September Spotlight Athlete, Jake Thomas. Jake is the definition of steady and consistent. He has proven that hard work pays off if you stick with it. He never complains about a workout. He listens to the coach staff and then executes. He doesn’t back down from a challenge and when the workout is over he congratulates his fellow athletes and gets ready to do it all over again the next day. We’re very happy he’s with us and can’t wait to see him the crush his first CrossFit competition in October. Congratulations Jake. You’re an inspiration.

What brought you to CrossFit Zachary in the first place?

For years I used to always run 4-5 miles everyday just to stay in shape, and eventually got bored with only running. So I started looking for a personal trainer, but decided CrossFit might be more motivating.

What was your first impression?How has that changed? 

At first, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep up with the weightlifting mixed in with the workouts, but now I like this way of exercising better.

What was your first “bright spot, (PR)? 

I don’t remember exactly, but I thought it was cool to be able to climb the ropes as a part of a workout. Also, I like seeing my progress with front/back squats. 

What are you working on now? 

I want to work on toning my quads and I’m always interested in strengthening my core/abs. 

What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?”

Zip lining! It was my first time and definitely want to do more zip lining in the future.

Fabian Herrera