2022 November Spotlight Athlete- Logan Biggs

Once again we turn to our 5:30am class to find this month’s Spotlight Athlete, Logan Biggs. That’s right. We have an early morning class and those that attend come in and waste no time attacking the workout of the day. That describes Logan. He attacks and gives it his all every morning. He’s a father of 2 (one is on the way) a husband and construction project manager. CrossFit is what helps him to be the best version of himself with all of those responsibilities. His determination to never back down from a challenge is something that his partners get to experience during our Saturday Morning 9am partner workouts. He constantly pushes his partner to achieve things they never thought possible. When Logan joined the community at CFZ he was a bit skeptical but after a few times of hearing 3,2,1, go… he quickly dove in and has not looked back. Having just completed his first CrossFit competition with Coach Johnny he’s now perfecting the things he needs to work on and is getting ready for the next competition. If you’re interested in experiencing what we experience every time we step into CFZ click that “contact us” button at the bottom of the screen and let’s get a conversation started. You may find yourself working out next to Logan and the 5:30am crew before you know it. Congratulations Logan on being our spotlight athlete. Read below about Logan’s time with us at CrossFit Zachary.

What brought you to CrossFit Zachary in the first place?

My wife started coming to CFZ first. I was accustomed to bodybuilding style workouts and was skeptical of CrossFit. She kept bugging me to try it with her.. and well, here I am!

What was your first impression?How has that changed?

First impression: Man, I need to do more cardio!

Now: Man, I need to do more cardio, gymnastics, Olympic lifting, and power lifting! Haha

What was your first “bright spot, (PR)?

Getting a muscle up for the first time was definitely a high point!

What are you working on now?

My focus here lately has been working on snatches and learning how to handstand.

What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?”

That’s a difficult one. I’d say my favorite CrossFit memory is probably seeing my 2 year old, Miller, try to pick up dumbbells after a Saturday workout with perfect form! Can’t wait to get him working out!

Fabian Herrera