2022 February Spotlight Athlete- Lauren Cavin

Lauren Cavin has been with us since June of last year and the achievements she’s made have all been phenomenal. She definitely deserves the spotlight this month. It’s very easy to feel a bit out of place when one walks into any fitness space and you’ll read below how Lauren experienced those same feelings. However she overcame that fear and persevered and is reaping the benefits of her hard work. Lauren has even spread the word herself about the benefits of CrossFit and has invited a friend to workout with her and that friend is still with us today! If you think it’s not possible to discipline yourself to come in for an hour each day, work hard and then see results you should come in and chat with Lauren. She’ll not only tell you how it’s done but she’ll show you as well. Congratulations on being our February Spotlight Athlete!

What brought you to CrossFit Zachary in the first place?

I was bored and unmotivated with my at home workouts. My friend, Tiffany, had been telling me for at least a year to just try CrossFit once because she knew I would love it- and she was right! One evening I searched for CrossFit gyms in Zachary on Facebook and sent CFZ a message and next thing I knew I was coming in the next day for my first workout.

What was your first impression and how has that changed?

At first, I was so overwhelmed seeing everyone lifting heavy weights. I remember watching them and thinking I would never be able to do that. My mind set has 100% changed since that first day and every week I challenge myself to lift heavier than the week before.

What was your first “bright spot, (PR)?

The PR I'm proudest of is going from barely being able to back squat the training bar to hitting 165 lbs in December! I used to dread squat days and now they are my favorite days.

What are you working on now?

Everything! I am always wanting to improve my form and techniques for lifts. Cardio days are definitely a struggle for me, I need A LOT of work in that department!

What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?

My favorite memory is probably the day I did my first box jumps. I honestly thought no matter what I would always only be able to handle doing step ups!

Fabian Herrera