2022 March Spotlight Athlete- Nicole Moruzzi

In case you’re wondering, we love our athletes and we’re always so excited to share their progress. We have so many different types of clients and each one is celebrated and championed by the rest of the clients and our coaches. Some have the time to come in and chat after the workout is done. Others come in and put in a good hour of hard work and then have to go to whatever is next in their life. That’s how our spotlight athlete Nicole is. Our staff is constantly amazed at her determination and focus. She’s shown so much growth. Knowing that she has to leave as soon as the class ends means she comes in with a goal and she hits that goal each time and then moves on. She doesn’t let anything distract her and she has the results to prove that a high level of focus will pay off. At the same time she’s quick to bring a smile to your face with her great personality she brings to each class. The 9am class is better for having her there. Congratulations Nicole!

What brought you to CrossFit Zachary in the first place?

Working from home can be so isolating! I wanted to get back into group fitness and CrossFit has always intrigued me (but also slightly intimidated me). I figured it couldn’t hurt anything to pop in to see what it was all about & I’ve been loving it ever since!

What was your first impression? How has that changed?

I was amazed at the level of attention the coaches give to each athlete during class. After hearing various injury stories from friends and family, I was cautious about joining. Impression has not changed! The coaches at CFZ are still keeping us fit (and as safe and injury free as possible) and paying attention to each and every person.

What was your first “bright spot, (PR)?”

I have a few milestones I’m proud of, but a shiny moment for me recently was shaving 1.5 minutes off my baseline time in 6 months!

What are you working on now?

I’m paying special attention to everything now. I’d like to be able to RX a few more sections of the workout than I currently can. I’m coming for you, Toes To Bar!

What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?

All of them. Highs and lows, they all keep me coming back for more & trying to get better every day.

Fabian Herrera