October Spotlight Athlete- Carla Sanders
If you’ve been around anytime Carla works out at CrossFit Zachary you’ll fully understand why she’s our October Spotlight Athlete. She gives 100% every time she shows up and not only that but she inspires those around her to do the same. Even though her number one job of being a mom and wife as well as a nurse practitioner keeps her on the go with all kinds of odd hours, she makes time to come into the gym, focuses on the workout of the day and then gets the job done. She let us know some of her thoughts about coming to CrossFit Zachary and what that’s done for her. Take some inspiration from Carla and make that initial move towards being the best version of you possible.
1. What brought you to CrossFit Zachary in the first place?
My husband is what brought me to CrossFit Zachary, a few years prior to me joining he had been a member. He absolutely loved CFZ, but because of his work schedule he wasn’t able to continue his membership. In 2016 with the unfortunate events that took place my husband being a member of the BRPD, the men that were lost and injured during the incident was a very traumatic experience. This was a very depressing, dark time, of course for those families that were directly involved, but for all officers and their families. Shortly after that the flood occurred and with that came the need to board family members and strenuous work schedules with longer more stressful hours. In the mist of these events I found that I had gained 40 lbs. In the past I always attempted to watch my weight with fad diets (ie. weight watchers, the fat smash diet, etc.) and mainly cardio, but I had never gained 40 lbs and felt like I needed to be more aggressive with how I was going to lose weight. My husband suggested CrossFit, he got me registered and it’s been on ever since!
2. What was your first impression of CrossFit and how has that changed?
When my husband was initially a member, I thought I wanted to become a member, but I would look at videos of the different boxes. I was “very” intimidated!!! I thought I could never do things like overhead squats, box jumps, snatches or even deadlifts. I would look at Brandon like he was crazy if he even suggested I come and try a workout or even join. I was use to doing cardio, spin and group classes like kickboxing, there was no way I was going to do crazy things like squats with a barbell and weights, lol. After I realized I needed a change, I thought to my myself, "screw it, I’ll try it and if I don’t like it I can always do something else".... well after my first workout that changed my mind and now I absolutely love and am addicted to CrossFit and recommend it to everyone I encounter that’s trying to work on their physical health.
3. What was your first “bright spot, (PR)?
My first PR (that I can remember) was deadlifts! I call Tarra Joseph :) my good/bad influence because when we partner up she always encourages me to lift heavier and it always ends up being dead lifts or back squats, lol!
4. What are you working on now?
Well, I recently did the InBody scan with Kelbert and Fabian. Fabian has been able to tell me how to modify the workouts (lighter, faster) to get the best results from my workout.
5. What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?
My best CrossFit memory was hearing Gina Vince for the first time say “we ain’t got to do it again today”..... I’ve been using that statement ever since! Lol!!!!!