Special Spotlight Athletes- Our New Moms!
Here at CrossFit Zachary we are enjoying this season of new babies on the way! We have 5 new moms! 4 who are pregnant, Laura-Kate, Kate, Heather and Alexis and 1 who’s already delivered, Kristin, and they are our spotlight athletes this month. It’s nearly impossible to workout to one of these ladies and not feel the utmost respect as well as to draw unlimited inspiration from them. When our clients find themselves next to one of them they know it’s definitely going to be an “if they can do it, I can do it too” kind of day. Not one of these ladies has ever complained to the coaches about anything during the pregnancy. They always come into the gym ready to work and ready to figure out how to make it work if the workout calls for something that they may not be able to do at this moment. They’ve also caused our coaches to step up their game as well. The coaches come prepared and ready with alternative movements to keep momma and baby healthy and strong. It’s been pretty amazing to see our community rally behind these ladies as well. There’s no lack of support in and outside the gym. And who doesn’t love having babies around? We are all smiles when Kristin brings her baby boy in and we can’t wait to meet the rest of our baby crew! Congratulations to these ladies and the work they put in to keep themselves fit during their pregnancies. Take a few more minutes and read below what a few of them have to say about their approach to CrossFit and fitness while being pregnant. There’s always room for more at CrossFit Zachary. If these ladies can workout, what are you waiting for? Contact us and let’s get you moving!
“I have loved being active throughout my pregnancy! The positive impact of CrossFit on my daily life is not only shown through physical health, but also mental health. Staying active just makes me feel good. Being around my CF family just makes me feel good. ”
How has pregnancy changed your approach to your fitness and working out?
Heather- In the beginning I didn't change much but as I've gotten farther along l've had to scale movements and weights and also take a few extra breaks!
Alexis- My pregnancy has definitely changed some aspects of how I approach my workouts and my overall fitness. It has been a learning curve learning on how to challenge myself, while staying safe, during this new season. I have to monitor my heart rate closely to maintain a safe rate for me and baby. Although this sometimes feels frustrating because I want to go “all in”, there are spcific things that’s I’m learning in our CF classes that helped me prepare for this (RPE progressions, breathing techniques, and pacing practices). Another adjustment that I have had to make is the way I approach workouts. I am no longer trying to PR by getting my best time, lifting my heaviest, or tackling the next hardest scaling option. Instead, I am setting new PRs by learning what this new growing body of mine can do.
Kristin- I believe my approach to the workouts has changed because when I was pregnant, I focused more on my technique verses strength. I feel like pregnancy brought me back to the basics of CrossFit that I didn't know I needed. Now that my son is seven months old, I have taken the ability to perfect several movements and have gained my strength back quicker than I thought!
Are you able to still workout and maintain the level of fitness you want?
Heather- I would like to think so. Yes my workouts have changed and my weights but I still feel like I get the same high out of a workout as before.
Alexis- With the intentional and caring direction of my coaches, I am scaling workouts to a safe, but challenging movements that will still keep me active, healthy, and motivated. I have never left a “pregnant” workout thinking that I’ve “wasted my time” or “that didn’t feel like I even worked out”. I am still challenged to be my best and accomplish my goals. The ability to feel like I’m safely training my body during pregnancy is priceless.
Kristin- I am still able to workout right now 2-3 days a week! Trying to adjust my schedule to make time for the gym has been very important for my physical health, and also my mental health. I know I am not at the fitness level I want to be at this moment, but hey, I'm a mom of two and it's okay. Being the best mom and wife I can be is my number one priority. I believe the best way I can do that is to be in the gym every chance I can and push as hard as I can every time I'm there!
What are some of the difficulties you may have experienced during this time?
Heather- The hardest part of being pregnant and coming is how out of breath I get. It happened before but now it's a much different level.
Kristin- Some of the difficulties I have faced during this time is learning how to be active in the gym while bringing a five year old and seven month old. The coaches are patient with me and are always accepting when I bring both my boys. It has also been especially hard with my little one due to eczema, but I am learning how to navigate the gym and healthy lifestyle choices!
How do the coaches at CrossFit Zachary help you adapt to your fitness needs during this time?
Heather- They've all been great. There is always a scaling option and they all make sure I'm good multiple times throughout a workout.
Alexis- I’m so thankful to have coaches that care about my physical and mental health. Throughout my pregnancy, I have met one-on-one with one of my coaches to touch base with how I’m feeling, adapting to the changes, and planning supplemental mobility to assist with my growing/changing body. Each workout my coaches check-in with me to help me with scaling options to a safe and attainable goal. The attention to detail is unparalleled.
Kristin- The coaches at CFZ were awesome at helping me scale movements. There was never a class that I felt left out or that I couldn't do any type of scaling option. From monitoring my heart rate, scaling movements, and making sure if there was anything I needed each session, the coaches have been wonderful!
Would you recommend CrossFit to other soon to be moms? I would definitely recommend CFZ to other soon to be moms!
Heather- I recommended CrossFit to everyone! It has been one of the best decisions lve mode. I honestly think that getting into better shape is the reason I was able to get pregnant. Having a miscarriage before my doctor always told me it was because of my size and after being with CrossFit Zachary for a year, I got pregnant.
Alexis- I would absolutely recommend CrossFit (and specifically CrossFit Zachary) to all moms- expecting moms, current moms, and those who want to be moms. This safe space has created an outlet where I know I am pushed each and every day to make myself better. I am consistently challenged, growing in confidence, and loving this journey!
Kristin- I would definitely recommend CFZ to other soon to be moms! I believe that being a part of CFZ helped me to bounce back from my c-section faster than if I hadn't been a part of this family. I also believe CFZ helped me to stay active with my health while helping me stay active with my five year old.