Spotlight Athlete- Dante Bidwell

Take a look these two pics below and you’ll understand why Dante is our spotlight athlete. His transformation may not seem as extreme as some you’ve witnessed before however a closer look will reveal very intentional goals that were met. You’ll see a guy who’s lean, strong and way more fit than he was when he came to us. Meeting those goals comes with a lot of perseverance, consistency and determination. Not only has Dante seen a change in his body but his mentality towards fitness has changed as well. After competing in a few competitions this year he’s proven that he’s not afraid of the opportunity to challenge himself and the work he’s put in inside and outside of CrossFit Zachary. The mental challenge is one that we don’t talk about often but you try waking up every morning to attend the 5:30am morning class. That’s what Dante and his fellow am CrossFitters deal with and overcome like the champs they are. We couldn’t be more proud of Dante and his accomplishments during his time with us. Read what Dante has to say about his time at CrossFit Zachary and let his story inspire you to come on in and let the CrossFit methodology work for you too!

What brought you to CrossFit Zachary in the first place? 

I had put my personal fitness on the back burner for a couple years focusing more on work, and then kids. When my family moved up to EBR, it seemed like an opportunity for a fresh start, and I knew that getting back into shape had to be a part of this new chapter. I specifically chose CFZ for the structure of the classes, the variety of the workouts and the semi-competitive nature of CrossFit.

What was your first impression? How has that changed? 

My first day at the gym (5:30am) was also the first day of my new job in Baton Rouge, and by about 2pm, I thought I had made a mistake. I was exhausted, and could feel soreness that I hadn't felt for quite a while. I decided to stick with it, and I'm very happy that I did. Having been a part of the early morning classes for a year now, I definitely feel the difference if I try to work out later in the day, or if I go a few days without some type of physical activity. It's a part of my routine and lifestyle now.

What was your first “bright spot, (PR)?

When I first started stringing together more than two or three pull-ups at a time I was pretty proud of myself. Another big thing for me was getting into some of the Olympic lifts. I was very intimidated by things like Snatching, but I get more and more comfortable as time goes by.

  What are you working on now?

I'm starting to get a bit better with the double-unders, but definitely still need work stringing them together. After that, I'm going after my first muscle-up.

What’s your favorite CrossFit Zachary memory?

Favorite memory was competing in and winning my first team competition (with Jake) in the Fall. Festivus was so fun that I turned right around and competed as an individual last month. As I continue to get better, I'm going to look for more opportunities to improve and show what I 'm building toward here at CFZ.

Fabian Herrera