Spotlight Athlete- Shannon Peterkin

We couldn’t pass up this opportunity to join Shannon in sharing about his recent journey. Everyone has ups and downs when it comes to health and fitness. As you’ll find out when you read below about Shannon’s recent accomplishment, he found answers in the community that he’s found in family and CrossFit combined with good old fashioned discipline and hard work. When his schedule allows him, you can find him using that discipline to join the 5:30am class, which takes a special kind of mindset to make it to that class. We applaud Shannon and how he’s been able to turn things around the for better. It’s never too late and always the right time for any of you that’s reading this to make a change in your lifestyle. Please contact us and let us become your community. Read about Shannon’s journey below.

Been on and off again with whether or not to make this post. Maybe it will help someone. Since November is centered around mens health (including mental) here is a glimpse of my journey.

For those who know, sorry for telling it all over again.

Sept i started on a career opportunity that is truly a blessing. Like some opportunities it came at a cost, more separation from my family. Didnt realize how it all had impacted me, but going back to June of this year I was 242 lbs. Overweight, over eating, over drinking, and over stressed.

I was mad. All the time, and mostly at me! I didn’t like me much.

Sooooo… because of a good friend and coach, Hector Fabian Herrera, he let me borrow a book.

I started something called 75Hard… ill let you look it up. Essentially It was a program Andy Frisella “dreamed” up. It is mental fight to say the least for 75 days. It requires daily devotion to yourself through developmental reading (pick books, yes good ol books that make you better), clean eating with no cheating with some good ol abstaining from alcohol, and two workouts a day for a minimum of 45 min each. There are other requirements but those were the hard ones for me!

For someone in the crossfit community that hasnt been regular it has been a battle to say the least.

Folks, here to tell ya!

You got Two voices (well most of us its only 2).. your bitch and boss voice. One telling you your tired, its hot, you cant, you deserve a day off, it would be nice to have that cake/beer… whatever.

The other saying you got this. Yea, it sucks but embrace it. You’re getting stronger. You’re bettering yourself,look how you used what you learned. Ive done this for 72 straight days… attached is my progress… when i started at 227 (lost a little before the jump in) and now… dont even know what i weigh to be honest. I can tell you I now hear those voices with clarity and one is definitely louder than the other. When you get up at 4 am to run in the rain i’ll let you judge which one that is.

You want a secret? Its like Po says, there is no secret ingredient. No magic pill. Just dedication to you. If its what you want, then believe you are worth it. I wake up, i feel great, have meaningful conversations with my love Jenneffer Peterkin and i like the fact i can walk to work every morning thanking God for all of it.

Find your boss voice folks. If you need to talk call me. Dont suffer in silence.

Fabian Herrera