The Basics of Proper Post-Workout Nutrition

Proper Post-Workout Nutrition

One thing we can help make sense of is the behind-the-scenes of workout recovery…

...because no-one likes being super sore for days on end.

What’s one of the most common things we always notice in ourselves and hear from those who come to us for advice on how to get in better shape?

“What should I be doing after my workouts? I can barely move the next day”

That’s where the magic of proper post-workout nutrition comes into play.

Only it’s not magic! It actually makes a lot of sense when you take a closer look at it! The proper post-workout recovery is a two-part equation… protein (of course) as well as carbs. Simple, right? Yes! That’s what’s great! But let's dive into those a little bit.

When you work out you do two things: Burn your fuel (carbs and fats) and break down muscle. So what do we need?

Protein, protein, protein. We hear it all day long. But what kind of protein should someone be using is the real question, though. And when it comes to what you should take after a grueling workout, a Whey Protein Isolate (WPI), like Phormula-1, is the right answer. Why? WPI gets digested within minutes rather than hours like sustained-release protein or whole food, like a chicken breast … and when we want to minimize soreness and jumpstart recovery, timing is the name of the game.

Bringing carbs into the equation is where it really gets good though. Before your body can utilize that WPI and build back the muscle tissue, it needs to refuel itself. Sure, it can use the protein, but that process is super inefficient and definitely not ideal for recovery (it's a process called gluconeogenesis). Taking an extremely simple, High GI (Glycemic Index) carb like Ignition (dexanhydrous glucose), your body recognizes that as the ideal “fuel” to feed the muscle so the protein can do its intended job of repairing the muscle and building it back bigger, faster, and stronger. 

Not only does using a great WPI and simple carb combo like Phormula-1 and Ignition together work more effectively at completing both jobs, it actually speeds up the process of both of them. The insulin spike we get from Ignition speeds of the delivery and storage of the Phormula-1. Synergy at its finest!

Long story short, the absolute best thing any of us can possibly do to speed up our results is focus on nutrition basics, especially after we just got done breaking down our bodies. The Phormula-1 and Ignition dynamic duo was designed specifically for that, and has helped millions of people speed up their results and reach the goal they’re shooting for, and it will do the same for your clients and members.

The Basics of Proper Post-Workout Nutrition
by Jean-Luc DeCoster

Fabian Herrera